Selective Placement Procedure For Individuals with Disabilities
91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ Tech is committed to providing opportunities for gainful employment to individuals with disabilities that may negatively impact their likelihood of successfully competing for an open position through the College’s normal selection process. This procedure will provide a mechanism for those individuals certified by the 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation or the 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ Division for the Visually Impaired to obtain an offer of employment without participating in a competitive process against individuals without a disability.
Vacancy announcements for the positions listed below will be referred to the 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ Division for the Visually Impaired prior to an internal or external posting. The 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and the 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ Division for the Visually Impaired will have a period of 5 days to refer qualified candidates from their client base to be interviewed by the College. Only candidates who possess the knowledge, skills or experience to perform the essential duties of the position with or without accommodation are eligible for employment under this policy. In addition to prescreening of candidates, the 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and/or the 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ Division for the Visually Impaired will provide job-site training, post-hire follow up and accommodations assistance when requested by the College.
The positions subject to this policy are as follows, and include both full and part-time positions, whether regular or temporary:
- Cafeteria Clerk
- Cashier
- Cook
- Copy Operations Technician
- Courier
- Duplication Clerk
- Facilities Groundskeeper
- Facilities Rental Technician
- Facilities Sanitation Tech I
- Food Services Worker
- General Clerk
- Mail Clerk I
- Maintenance Trades Helper
- Receptionist
- Transportation Technician
Once hired, the individual will become a 91ÊÓƵÎÛÎÛ Tech employee with the rights, responsibilities, and benefits accorded employees as delineated in the Personnel Policy Manual.
If no qualified clients are identified by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation or the Division for the Visually Impaired after 5 business days, the College will post the positions for competitive recruitment in the usual manner.
Training for administrators, managers, supervisors, and other employees on the Americans with Disabilities Act, disability etiquette, and disability diversity and inclusion will be conducted on a continuing basis in order to promote and ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment for employees with disabilities.
This policy supplements existing policies and procedures that require accommodations to be provided upon request to applicants with disabilities in all phases of the application and recruitment process.